selling my keyboard for some girl that said she loves me... .. just a foolish boy... ...silly me :)


What is it about us boys that we get stupid and foolish when some girl says she loves us?

oh, I should've not been so stupid and giving up my, haha, addiction. 

oh, you girls can sure demand so much if you can't stand some boys playing video games for 40 hours a day, well, trucking and piano is another addiction of a video game.


ever play a trucking video game at a local arcade?



whatever happened to our local arcades?

oh yeah, video game consoles and our lovely couches and a bong on the table waiting for us to pick it up to smoke. haha! in a minute mary and jane, can't you see this game is intense? geez, even marijuana is inpatient at times. yeah, drugs aren't the answer and I guess money and girls  can be a drug. and we aren't talking about girls for sex, as we already known since we were young prepubescent children that sex was a drug for the adults. and then, those adults start calling sex between men, male intimate bonding, ummm... i went to far in this blog post maybe I should rethink how to rephrase that one. haha!

my words can be so brutally honest. 

sorry :)

anyways, now how I wish I have a piano keyboard and I sort of wish and hope that I will have one some day again. 

in the meantime, I guess, I have and and to annoy y'all with some musical sounds.

anyways, check out this newer version and its white and thanks to the courtesy of another photographer I linked their white piano in this blog.

If only they make this the 650 but this is I guess the updated keyboard. 


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