I am a creator. Does that make a god to judge and destroy?


Yes, I have many gifts and talents that I am very passionate about. My dream since a child, a pianist. (err, I am still a child. Haha! More on that later...)

But, when I saw an opportunity as a kid and having autism, dsylexia, and adhd i felt alone just giving what I had because I had a different mind and spirit. Ugh, I blame it on being a prodigy of music and art. I then just had a practical dream of driving truck. I got off the road to help my mother and now, she pridely says, she never needed my help in this present-future time. Haha! What is time when I gave it all away and now, I feel like someone turning 100 just happy and grateful for another day of life. Oh, if I could truck again, at least I got my commercial trucking permit. but, sadly, the hype over the smear campaign and slander has caused every employer to look at my records and deem me unfit to work. Besides, I don't even have the resources to even work right now. The joke is, "i can't afford to work." seriously, think about it. (i will write another post on this one).---I wish i didn't sell this piano for some scam artist fiancee. I wish i had... a Steinway? nah, its fun to play and record onto a usb and compose other harmonies for symphonies. Why do you need education to teach but can study music at the libraries and the web.

It's sad though that as much as we create there are few many that are fearful of someone taking their glory of who they are and try to destroy them. But, at what expense? It's weird how I am still not dead because of the trauma in my life. Yet, its weird to give unconditional love and allow them to judge me.

Judge lest you be judge...

Haha! That's why i laugh because i can't judge and when someone judge me I take it as a lesson to find their criticisms and judgements to question who I am. And then, I laugh always, they basically judging themselves. Oh, we could be here all day listing all those that judge us. Just take it to GOD of unconditional love through prayer and thoughts and emotions and allow GOD's love to penetrate our hearts that supply enough energy for another day. And just be happy, loving, and grateful.

Its a difficult task to swallow our ego and listen as someone is yelling and threatening with your life. But, rest assured, for some reason, if we swallow our ego and be like a child giving unconditional love, we then, look at someone this "evil," (haha! labels) laugh later and accept our loss that they are in every stage of their grief other than the last stage.

So, read and act out shakespeare, find humor in tragedy. make a fun game but, don't ever play someone. You know, manipulate with not so good intentions. And write. Yeah, this is a title of one of my books i'm writing. its funny because right before I moved i met this old man that kept telling to write bitch write. So, I was inspired to create this title of a book.

Anyways, love you all and god bless.

Remember smile cause you're worth it :)

l8r :)


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