Every day is a happy day to be celebrate our birthday


do we necessary have to through a party every day? well, sure we do!!! we have a lot to be thankful as we have another day to find some joy in accepting the losses we all have faced. For those that say they never lost anything, I congratulate you for being a therapist that can't relate to any of your so-called mentally diseased patients. And if therapists can't relate to their patients then why did they become therapists? I can give a brutally truthful answer, its why most doctors are doctors. And then, doctors find out that it's not worth it, like people that went to college and got their piece of paper. If you do manage to get a job with that little piece of paper, then, congratulations again. You have now earned yourself some more little pieces of green paper to give you entitlement to be like a Mister and Missus Jones'. if you don't know who they are, then perhaps, you never met them before or you have but, the advice they give is as if they are better than GOD, or they think they are gods themselves.

"Pride before a crash," my mother reminded me when she wants to taunt me for apologizing too much.




Anyways, i writing a book to teach people that music is as easy as writing. Haha! Who said writing was easy? Yeah, is music or writing easier? and to a musician when someone asks, "how are you so amazing?" her response is, "practice." 

basically, you now can read music and sing and i created an easy to read screenshot to sing and practice with your instrument when all you have is your throat instrument.

Well, along with this book I have this blog and i want to point out this amazing piano keyboard i had to sell. ugh, that's another story in of itself. but, my keyboard was the dgx 650. so, this is the newest model. It would be lovely to be gifted this again. Hey! I have to ask, right? :) 

Ask and you shall receive, thanks =)

remember as always, smile cause you're worth it :)

god bless

l8r (:


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