two girls, one strap on thong... (sex is love with a inanimate object) hmmm...

 okay this one is well, funny but i never saw the video two girls one cup. i am told to never see it. oh, well, but this might be just a bad invention. how can a female where a thong bikini and a male can't wear a speedo? can see have a plastic vibrator showing or is that considered indecent exposure because what is she exposing? yeah, i write this to not judge but to show how inappropiate lesbians can be especially when some women feel they are men inside liking women. ahh, wake up women these men  in women's bodies are meant to play you. seriously, i thought men were bad now, lesbians can be quite lying like a man. but, now we are all human and we all know how to lie and some trying to deny and manipulate every law in the book to act like they haven't done anything. oh, wait! i have been accused because i haven't done something. excuse me! i have been doing everything, or trying to understand when someone ask me to do something. and when they dismiss me like some crack whore i pick myself and whatever i can learn from music, books, art, museums, theater, volunteering, and learning about the earth and myself. 

but, now, i'm demissed like some dried up prostitute. this was a interesting thought that i just had to blog here. its some weird ass world that i walk through. so now, i am unlearning everything i once thought i know and living one day at a time not knowing but appreciating te homeless shelter i am in and the therapy that manipulated me as i negotiated the answer from them.

you see what didn't do yet was allow a man to give me the experience of sucking and going for a ride on his rocket ship... wait! eww that's even more disgusting than a strap on thong, at least you don't really have to worry about some STD or HIV. geez! people, how is sex love and then, a women isn't allowed to call rape and sexual assault when she doesn't have wants of sex from some man she barely knows. and men, now turn gay to see how many notches of ass they can claim. 

so, now i am thankful that i was an eighties child and the teachers taught sex education of abstinence until marriage. and now i remember the movie, "Coneheads." where the parents walk into chris farley having err, "mind sex," with the coneheads daughter. now, look below, it took me awhile to understand this scene when she laughing at an eggplant in the store but, freaks out about her daughter. then, at the end, the mother and daughter are both pregnant.

people we are in this together and we create everything, even evil. have faith that we will get all we need. we had to learn this together between the good and evil. the good ones that try to befriend evil people or they try to manipulate and they learn or maybe they will see that evil could really never manipulate good to do evil, expecially when us good ones have given so much to these evil people that take advantage. 

we owe ourselves an applaud for giving what we do and we need, no we must and shall stop comparing ourselves to others, groups, religions, organizations, or/and countries.---

sometimes, we...

no we must forgive them and love but, what is love? seriously, no wants to talk about why we each grieve whatever they greive. i had a lesbian therapist tell me she hasn't lost anything or needs to greive. really?! then, how can you say you are a therapist? if you don't understand grief. so, now i write about funny stories and post ideas and writing many books. 

ugh, writing sucks! there are so many words to express our thoughts and not enough words to express emotions, and this is why i loved the symphony in long beach, ca and i said i want to play the piano. yeah, well, having a few classes from college i realize i learn all i needed to learn when i was a child.

but, when high school came around i found and achieved a new practical dream of driving truck. and what better career of touring in a bus and travelling and listening to music and audio boosk. oh, but can't do this because of my autism disability but, at least i got my commercial permit back. so now, i just wait and share with all around me the joy of accepting our grief and telling them, "get the fuck over it." haha! its funny to say it but seriously, once we accept the depression, the anger, and stop bargaining between two and denying we are doing such a thing. we can cry and move on. well, pick up the fucking pieces.

but, no more therapy as all it did was cause me to be homeless and i never thought a therapist would tell me, "it's your fault if you would've listened to us..." really?! that's another post for another day for me to "get the fuck over and write about."

okay l8r all and rememvber to smile cause you're worth it 

god bless

l8r :)


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