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Denying TRUTH for EGO

Love has no gender... (is sex love)?

two girls, one strap on thong... (sex is love with a inanimate object) hmmm...

protedting children and help those that fell victim to homosexual seduction

Music is easy like writing...

have a dream and keep trying and do not allow someone to guide you to other dreams and hopes

How is not doing it yet not know what it is something not human but more childlike? Autism trait self research study, mastery of unconditional love :)

I am a creator. Does that make a god to judge and destroy?

Every day is a happy day to be celebrate our birthday

just get over it and accept your loss

denial is a stage of grief; what is unconditional love?

selling my keyboard for some girl that said she loves me... .. just a foolish boy... ...silly me :)

having fun with this one

waking up to someone's alarm clock... ugh haha... so i wrote a musical jingle :P

ferris wheel dancing musical jingle

ionian mode solfege singing fixed chart